Tuesday 7 May 2013

No Cow Parsley

After the winter, one of the sights I look forward to are the April lanes festooned at the roadside with frothy, creamy and gorgeous Cow Parsley.

So far it is not there.
There are Dandelions and Jack-by-the-Hedge, but the Cow Parsley is not open.

It may be too late.

This is what I think happened.

The very cold start to spring, held back the Cow Parsley from developing and flowering as it does in April.
Then the cutters were out last week mowing the roadsides and they cut the Cow Parsley off before it got going.

There are a few stragglers, but I think it has gone.

We are too late now for the glorious spectacle.

The whole point of winter is to set us up for the Cow Parsley show!

I feel robbed and disappointed.





  1. Last weekend I was in London and missed what was happening on the lanes and hedgerows!

  2. That should have been 'in' the lanes and hedgerows.
